
Icegaze's Opinion of Rurutip

The way I see him is he's a product of his soceity Due to the way he was raised, the views he was fed, the rules he was told by his peers and superiors, he's just like every other Saiyajin out there. Haughty with the arrogance sucess feeds him. A strict follower of his opinions. Anything that hampers killing, fighting, or following his King's commands are wrong and therefore must be gotten rid of. Love does not exist. Care, affection are shows of weakness and are to not be tollerated. Very militaristic. Superiors tell him to jump he asks how high, sir!

But. Oh, there always is a but... inside there is a little boy wanting oh so much to be loved. He realized that he wasn't going to get what he wanted when growing up, and decided that this was the way the world worked. He was weak when he wanted love and attention - that had to be it. Why else would people not give him what he needed unless the things he craved were not supposed to be given? So, all of the soft, cushy, warm things were horded away, denied and forgotten.

Then along comes Ningen. She does... something with her voice that calls to him. Beckons him to listen and just be. Touches the dormant things and yearnings inside of him. Wants her! Wants to have that always. Wants to experience what her "singing" does to him time and time again despite how wrong it is! No one else knows. Protective, possesive, passionate, dedicated, loyal, violent, angry, alone, obstinate, overbearing, in love, and desperate. He will never ever admit it to her, to himself, to anyone what he feels. Ignores it, feels it will go away if he does. Doesn't want it to go away...

I dunno if you agree with my mental image of him, and I dunno if I can fully express who I think he is in words...

Any other opinions and anylizations welcome.