Cluttered Inspiration:
�������������������������� ������ Fanfiction and Originals
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Master of Mosquiton
A fic based on a very good but little known vampire Anime series.� Years in the future,� while cleaning out her attic, a decendant of� Inaho's stumbles upon a very familiar looking box...
Note: You don't have to be a fan of the series to understand this fic.
What if Cassandra wasn't the only Immortal Methos wronged in 5 000 years?� What if he were given a second chance with someone else... someone who inadvertantly saved his soul?
(full index can be found through the hyperlink)
A very old, darkly humourous Mary-Sue. What if your internet penpal was 5 000 yrs old?
����������������������������������Dracula: The Series
'Peircing the Darkness:
The First Chapters of a Fledgeling's Life''
Meet Elana Seward, typical seventeen year old girl, off to sight see with her distant cousins, the Helsings and Townsends.� Hmmm.. maybe someone should warn her that that "Hottie" Lucard isn't exactly your average Prince Charming...
Elana arrives in Luxembourg, much to the joy of the Helsings... and Lucard.
Having made her decition, Elana tries to get on with her life... but finds herself� yearning for her innocent past.
Making new friends in a new place is hard... especially� when you're undead.
The events of one clear night between "Hunt" and "Life", contains a certain well-known green crusifix and a whole mess of plastic explosives.
Elana's final good-bye.
'In The Shadows of CandleLight'
The result of a Script writting contest on my "Dracula: the Series" mailing list.... As a mortal, Dracula had many wives and offspring... but as a vampire... what if he had a daughter?
'Kyukettsuki No Seppun: The Kiss of the Vampire'
A sillyfic that my friend Trin and I thought up.� You know, in some universes, when one is turned into a vampire, all physical ailments they might have had are instantly cured.
So we were thinking... what if Son-Goku (from DragonBall Z) were bitten by a vampire?
vvOkay, that's the long way around it, really, this is just a bunch of nonsence we made up by smushing together our two favortie universes.� Note: The DBZ timeline is completely out of whack, Dende's Kami and Gohan's still a kid.� Go figure.
DragonBall Z
Losyara's Legacy: Standing on the Edge
A note to readers: this series is under MAJOR RE-CONSTRUCTION. The original versions of most of these fics are still available here, or on "The Final Rest Of Osiris", or by e-mailing me for it, HOWEVER, be aware that this is NOT the final version. Sorry for the confusion.
-- Vega
What if Bulma and Vegeta had never gotten together?� What if there had been another member of the z-team?� What if the 'what if's weren't just speculation?� Ever wonder how much just one thought, one action, can change the fate of an entire planet?
Revised Version under construction
Ark is safely back in her reality, and Bulma is cozy in hers. But something is very wrong... and Ark is back. But this time... she's brought a friend.
The battle in which Vegeta decides that Ark WILL be his, no matter what any other may say. (The re-telling of the Original Battle between Vegeta and Gokuu).
Ark and Vegeta's second meeting. The Prince is determined to claim his property, no matter what the cost to Ark's sanity.
Freshly returned from Namek, Ark is vainly trying to forget her horrible ordeal with both Vegeta and Freeza. The Prince, however, doesn't want her to forget... Can sympathy overwrite hate?
After their violent meeting over the ocean, can Ark actually be glad to see Vegeta? The Prince isn't too pleased that his property is allowing herself to get all bloodied up by a bunch of Humans, but watch out! Those aren't your average muggers...Can Vegeta's concern for Ark's welfare prove that he's not so horrible after all?
Fed up with Vegeta's possessiveness, Ark decides to show him that she belongs to no one but herself... by going on a date. Does the Prince of the Saiya-inn really feel... Jealous?
*Manga Version Available. (Props to Alaer Kino) However, I suggest you read the fic before viewing the manga as some parts are missing.
Vegeta follows Ark to the Hospital, and the tempers begin to flare. Can the Saiyan finally prove himself trustworthy, or will this be the end of poor Ben? And if Vegeta keeps his promise... how horribly will that shake the foundation of Ark's distrust?
*Manga Version Available. (Props to Alaer Kino) However, I suggest you read the fic before viewing the manga as some parts are missing.
Nightmare Reprieve
Vegeta indulges... And his resolve to have Ark for himself and himself alone strengthens.
�Sympathy, Loyalty, Trust, and Need are emotions that have plagued Ark everyday of her lonely existence... No one accepts hers, or will give it. So why does it suddenly feel so strange when she realizes that Vegeta fulfils every one of her desires? Can what she feels for the Prince actually be... Love?
Preludes to a Nightmare
Four seperate stories of four lost souls... what binds them all together?
What's Past Is Present
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
(Unfinished as of yet)
Ark has a very dark and secret past... a past that she's tried very hard to forget. But when a mysterious man appears and begins to gather up Ark and her vampiric brothers and sisters, Vegeta and the other Z-Warriors are entangled in a web of mystery, deceit... and murder. And only the love that connects the Prince and his mate can save Chikyuu from a fate worse than death...
Melencholy Miracles
Manga Prologue: Serpentine Interlude
By Alaer Kino.Prologue: Serpentine Interlude -- Text Version
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
The nightmare over, Ark and Vegeta finally find peace, and a place and family to call thier own.
Just what it sounds like. I had a writters block, and then an odd thought hit me: What if Ark went to school? * WARNING! If you don't like seeing Vegeta out of character... GO AWAY!
'Cause this is NOT a serious piece, and I didn't bother to KEEP the Prince
totally in character! Includes 'when everything happens that can't be done', "Letters", and "Straight on 'Till Morning".
The Ancient Art A small short story on why Ark became a painter.
Stand Alones
In an alternate reality where the Saiya-jinn control Earth, one young woman's life is about to change...A short story based on "Ningen"- Ningen stares at the mirror and reflects.
Manga Version by Icegaze.
CoverManga Coming...
The Phantom of the DragonBallWherein the author gets a major headache, Piccolo gets a case of Spotlight envy, and Bulma and Vegeta get a happy ending... sort of.
A glimpse into the lives of fanfiction authors.� Myself and Trin star in this... bizzare ... work that we both wrote by passing e-mails back and forth.
A stirring vingette concerning Mirai no Trunks and something he's never seen before...
'Kyukettsuki no seppun: Kiss of the Vampire'
A silly nonsence fic written by Trin and I about "Dracula: TS" and DBZ.� Ignore the DBZ time line... we did!� Warning: this is complete random sillines.�
So... you know that in some universes, if someone is bitten by a vampire, all physical ailments are healed, right?� So what if Goku were bitten by a� vampire...?
Yes, this is yet another DBZ/SM crossover fic.... as if you haven't seen enough of them already, right?� But please, be patient!� This one is my pride and joy.�
So, where do nasty NegaKings go when they die?� And why is SailorMars knocking on the door to�Vegiita's Gravity room at three in the morning?
An X-men fic based on the movie.� After� returning from Alkaline Lake in Canada, Logan learns that sometimes, people get lonely...� especially when a new student with a past disturbingly like his own arrives. But her new found contentment with life at "Xavier's School For the Gifted" is threatened when a mysterious organization from both of thier pasts reaches out of the shadows to engulf them in darkness once more.
Just a little thingy inspired by rehersals for "Twelfth Night". Love sucks.(Unavailable as of yet)
Note: I'm not quite sure where all these Pics came from.� If you see one of yours, please tell me, and I'll give you credit!� Unless otherwise stated, all the fanpics and fanfics are mine.
Sailor moon has chased dragonballs since 10/21/00.
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